Saturday, November 7, 2009


As business owners an unknown yet known feeling that you often second guess yourself about is "professionalism." Just the word makes you wonder...does that relate to business etiquette itself which includes behavior...personality...etc? Or does that mean just the manner in which you do transact business? Hmm? (Pondering) It's tough these days as to whether you can question people's motives when they put themselves out. I wonder what people think when they see us coming. I wonder if it is... "oh no, here they come" or "yeah!" It doesn't matter because I think we bring out a different type of moment when we walk into their working world and present little goodies. I think they are relieved that they did not have to seek us out and blame themselves for the extra calories they are to consume but, instead feel they are contributing to local sellers. For a second they don't care what kind of "professionalism" is needed to pick a scone or brownie out. I for one want them to feel "lucky" and "excited" like we once did when the ice cream truck came around when we were kids. We have been lucky to serve the businesses we have been. They have been supportive and delighted to have us. Santine and I enjoy spending time together driving and getting to know what other businesses do and how some of our personal friends are "professionally." If you would like us to come around please feel free to call or email us at ~Jamie