Thursday, September 17, 2009

"The Pastry Cart" - Seizing an opportunity.

It's Wednesday afternoon and we decide that we should just get out there. As crazy as we are, we decided that the next day seemed good as ever. So, here we were, I wanted to make very fresh scones for our first trip out. So, there I was 6:30 am and they smelled fantastic. Orange cranberry & pumpkin scones. So, off we were with our baskets of baked goods. Without a polished sales pitch we ventured out...nervously. I knew we were going to get rejected before we sold anything so, I prepared mentally for this. Santine - was just about to get her first big dose of it. I hoped she wouldn't feel like quitting after this. After getting her first odd rejections from the local vet store and investment offices we got our first sales at the local police station. Yeah! After that a few more sales and rejections - we made up a name for our partnership called "The Pastry Cart." The name was to the point and somewhat generic. "Okay" we say and by the end of our escapade, our Tuesday and Thursday morning partnership was forged. Now, if you want us to stop by with our goods, call or email us at or call 503.625.4479. We would love to stop by...locally of course. Can't wait for next week. ~Jamie

Today around 8.00 am I went by the YMCA to deliver 48 muffins, and to the Coffee Co. to deliver the Almond butter cake. At 9.00 am I met with Jamie at the Tea house. We prepared our baskets with a variety of pastries, made some fliers, and asked a blessing for our little business adventure. In the car we prepared a short speech. We stopped by five local businesses and asked if they would be interested in buying a pastry. Five times we got a NO. By the way we filmed our self while talking and being rejected. You can watch that footage by the end of the month on You Tube.
While we were driving to the local police station, a new plan formed. We decided to call our selves "The Pastry Cart" providing fresh baked pastries to local businesses. With that we came to the Police station. Ten minutes later we left and had sold 12 pastries and had an invitation to come back again. We were so exited!!!!! Then we stopped at Avamere the assisted living facility. And they liked the idea of the Pastry Car very much so. We can come Tuesday and Thursday in the morning with a "real" cart and sell our pastries to the people and staff there. Also an eye care clinic and dentist would like for us to come back next week. This ended to be a great successful morning. I felt a little scary and silly in the beginning when we approached our first business, but with determination we could see new doors opening for us. ~Santine

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